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Press here to open a separate window and begin playing the photo essay. It is recommended that you maximize the window in order to fully view the images. Notes from the artist: This "photo essay" consists of two separate works. The first two images are a neon installation in Nicholson Hall at the University of Minnesota campus, Minneapolis. This "EXHIBITION" piece was created for the 2000 College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture's student exhibition titled, "DIASPORA". It was hung in the interior front vestibule; a unique glass and stainless steel box attached to a massive sandstone ashlar arch entrance dating from the 1940s. The sign was only illuminated for one evening, that being the opening of the show. The work is currently in storage. The second set of six images is titled, "Motion Picture
Memories" and is the result of a joint project for a Studio Arts
Advanced Photo and Neon class at the University of Minnesota that I was
enrolled in, winter quarter 1998. The project was created in the following
manner: First, photographs of old movie theaters; their marquees, flags,
lobbies and interior spaces were photographed using black and white film.
This film was then hand developed and the negatives were placed in slide Please contact the artist for further information: Daniel J. Whittaker: whit0347@umn.edu