Holiday Photographs, Part III
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The Aftermath: New Years up to the MLK holiday.
These were taken in and around San Diego, mostly my neighborhood (University Heights) and its social centroid, Twiggs Coffee. A few images from LaJolla and the suspension pedestrian bridge off Front St. are also included for good measure (from my friend Brian's MLK visit).
These images come from the first two rolls I ran through my new $79 point-and-shoot camera, the Olympus Stylus Epic. I got it because it has a sharp, contrasty, and fast f2.8 35mm fixed-focal length lens. Oh, and because it's roughly the size of a pack of cigarettes, meaning that it is ALWAYS in my pocket to catch the shots that I never could because the Hasselblad and Nikon F2 stay at home most the time.
The design is absosmurfly brilliant, a landmark, even, in the annals of industrial design (clamshell sliding door, water-resistant enclosure, simple and idiot-proof button layout, elegant black impact-resistant plastic). Uh, what else? Spot metering or evaluative -- your choice, along with 400-zone autofocus (!), flash w/redeye reduction, a color temperature meter that engages the flash in a mild fill mode to compensate for the fluorescent green spike, a motorized film winding and advance mechanism, a self-timer, and, and, and...
If you spend an extra five bucks, you even get a nice carrying strap, a case, a battery, and a 36-exposure roll of color Kodak film (from B&H website, in NYC). What? You haven't bought one yet? Break out that $84.99 and start shooting real film already!